Практыкаванне болі ў спіне гасцях

Па мінулых даследаванняў і даследаванняў, амаль 80% усіх амерыканцаў будуць адчуваць некаторы тып болі ў спіне ў сваім жыцці. Амерыканская акадэмія хірургаў-ортопедов лічыць, што гэта, а, як гаворыцца 80% of us out there will encounter some type of problem with our back before we die.

Traditionally, the treatment for lower back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on muscles that are tight, which will provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the imbalances of the muscles. The muscles that surround the spine will provide stability and support of the spinal column.

Every muscle between the hips and shoulders are included as well, as these muscles are referred to as the core muscles. Back pain can be a result of muscle imbalances caused by any of these core muscles. If the back of your thighs are weaker than the front of your thighs, there will be an uneven pull on the front of your spinal column.

There are some effective ways that you can integrate core strength training exercises into all of the exercises you perform, rather than doing just the traditional crunches and sit-ups. One such way is by breathing effectively. Deep breathing will utilize your diaphragm muscles which will help support the spinal column and lengthen the spine, which is great for your lower back and supporting you when you walk or run.

The tummy tuck and bridge lift can also help you to reduce back pain and strengthen the core muscles as well. The tummy tuck exercise is a simple pelvic tilt that draws the abdominal muscles away from the floor. Do perform a tummy tuck, simply lie face down on the floor and squeeze your glutes to strengthen your spine.

Instead of pressing into your thighs, you should instead reach your tailbone down towards your heels. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and alternate them until you have completed a couple of sets.

For the bridge, place your feet on a bench or on the floor and scoop your pelvis upward, as your rib cage should stay low to reduce any irritation to your spinal muscles. The bridge will help to relieve stress on your back and focus the muscle contractions into the glutes and the hamstrings.

Other exercises for lower back pain are the lumbar side stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches, as all three can help to alleviate pull on your spinal column.

Hip flexor stretch

When doing a hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward in a bent knee, 90 degree angle, у той час як ваша другая нага знаходзіцца на падлозе ззаду вас з вашай нагой накіраваная ўверх да столі. Згінальнікаў сцягна стрейч дапаможа адкрыць ўверх мышцы спіны на баку пазваночніка ля сцёгнаў. Вы таксама можаце сціснуць ягадзічныя, а таксама паглыбіць расцяжку з кожным удыхам выдыху. Вы павінны пачаць адчуваць сябе расцяжку ў вашай задняй ногі, ў сцегнавой косткі пярэдняй і падкаленных сухажыллі на пярэдняй ногі.

Паяснічная бок стрейч

Гэты ўчастак прынясе вашыя ногі шырока, калені сагнутыя ў той час як вы сядзець ці стаяць. Проста прынесці адну руку ўніз да вашай назе на ўнутраным боку сцёгнаў і другой рукой за галаву.

Апошні ўчастак будзе адкрыць свой ахілава сухажылле, які з'яўляецца самым аддаленым цягнуць на пазваночнік. Для гэтага, place an object under your foot and lean the weight of your body forwards. Maintain a fluid breath while you hold stretches for 30 seconds or so. After a while, you should begin to feel a stretch behind your knee and shin.

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