Vježbanje Ispravno
Postoje dvije glavne vrste vježbi koje možete učiniti -aerobic i anaerobnih. Prvi, aerobični, znači s kisikom. Aerobic type exercise has an important distinction, it burns fat as the main fuel. Anaerobic on the other hand, burns sugar as the main source of fuel.
Despite common myths, exercise doesn’t have to be drastic in any way to provide massive benefits… Continue reading
Izrada Vježba More Fun
Nothing beats waking up in the morning with the thought of going to the gym to lift weights or jog on the treadmill. After a hard days work, the gym is one place you don’t even want to think about. Sometimes, even the thought of exercising at home with your own equipment can be less than desirable. Sometimes, just trying to get and stay motivated… Continue reading
Prehrane i vježbe
Anytime vježbate, što učiniti kako bi probati i održavati dobro zdravlje. Također znate da morate jesti kao, tako da vaše tijelo će imati energiju koja mu je potrebna za vježbanje i održavanje za svakodnevne zadatke života.
Za izradu najbolje od vašeg vježbanja, što jedete prije i poslije vježbanja je vrlo važno. No matter if… Continue reading